Final Script/Sources/Video

Start of package:

Caffeine has always been the go-to energy booster for college students. At WSU it is finals week and students are drinking more coffee than ever. Many times, dangerous amounts.

Loren Hagstrom: “Ya people are getting like quad ventes instead of triples, you know getting the extra caffeine.”

Chris Jumbo: “I usually kind of get them as talls but this is like my sixth one, so a lot.”

Coffee shops all around Pullman have been packed with college students looking for that quick boost caffeine will give them.

Loren Hagstrom: “Ya I consume like three more times than I usually do.”

Caffeine will continue to be a go-to for study drink, however remembering to moderate the amount of caffeine you drink is key to healthy caffeine use

End of package.


Taylen Whitehead


Daily Grind Employee

Loren Hagstrom


Starbucks Intern

Kelly Grindley


Student in library

Chris Jumbo

Student in Starbucks

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